Why is truth important?

Why would I start a website called TruthAccelerator? Simple. It’s because I think everybody should be privileged to know the truth. About everything. About anything. And I think it should not require a degree in philosophy or religion to be able to understand. I have a passion not only to know the truth, but also believe that everybody who wants to know, should be able to know. I can’t think of a better world than one in which everybody can know the truth and can build their lives on truth. Imagine what it would be like if everyone knew and told the truth….about everything!


Of course, some would object that knowing the truth about everything could be problematic and create tension and even animosity. But the alternative is worse, isn’t it? Just knowing that truth is out there somewhere and that somebody (not you) knows the truth but you are not privy to it… is that not uncomfortable? Does it irritate you when you find out you’ve been had, or tricked, or deceived? Sure it does, that’s the power of the truth. While it may be hard to accept or live with, the alternative is not any better.


Some are content with ignorance, or not knowing. It is said “ignorance is bliss” but I have yet to meet anyone who relishes the thought of being ignorant. Now, if ignorant means not responsible or accountable, then ignorance is especially cherished by the self-centered and self-serving, because it doesn’t cost them anything. And the guilty or culpable also appreciate not knowing—or at least others not knowing—because it insulates (or isolates) them from consequences. At least for a time…


But why should we even bother with the concept of truth—especially since we probably cannot agree about what it means? Should we waste our time? Or should we simply toss it into the dust-bin of irrelevance? Surely there are more important things to be concerned about. But are there? If truth is a measure of validity or degree of honesty or accuracy of fact, can anything be more important? Most certainly it permeates every aspect of living, believing, and thinking.  There’s only one problem…


The problem, of course, is how can you tell what the truth is? How can you know that you are not being deceived even as you seek the truth? And that’s the whole point of TruthAccelerator! TA.com exists to explore the understanding and application of every man’s pursuit of truth. Whether it’s a tool to assist in ascertaining validity or accuracy, like a thermometer or an air gauge, TA is created to engage everyman in the practical pursuit of truth, Big T or little t. TA assumes that truth seekers are out there, that they want very much to know the truth, but also realize that they might be susceptible to error or outright deceit and/or manipulation. And don’t even know it!


TA is a joint venture, you and me, putting ideas together, postulating, theorizing, and developing our senses to discern truth. It’s a growing project that will take a lot of effort and determination. It will cost me time and brain cells to come up with topics and will cost you effort and expression to communicate about this fascinating topic.


Thanks for visiting. Come back soon and bring your ideas!

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