What is a “particle accelerator” and why do I care?


The purpose behind particle accelerators probably best describes what it is and what it does. These machines are used to study extremely small particles that routinely make up everything we see around us. Call them the building blocks of nature, except that these particles are what the building blocks are made of. That is, they are so small that they cannot been seen by the naked eye, sometimes not even with an electron microscope, and sometimes not at all! Yet scientists know that they exist and that they explain what goes on in nature. It is these ultra tiny particles that supply the warp and woof of the universe.


To get a closer look at these particles scientists (primarily physicists) employ machines that enable them to see these particles “up close” and observe how they interact and hopefully develop an understanding of what role they play in the daily operation of the universe, from micro to macro. The way these machines operate is to first collect specimens of these particles, then focus them in a beam (a stream of particles) and accelerate them to very high speeds. Once the particles are traveling at nearly the speed of light (186,000 miles per second=670,616,603 MPH!) these machines direct the particles into collisions with other similar particles and observe the resulting explosion. For this reason accelerators have also been called “colliders” and “atom smashers.”


The reason for the explosion is simple. When the particles collide at such high speeds, the explosion produces a vast field of “debris” which is then collected and catalogued and later on analyzed. The debris consists of even smaller particles, properties (i.e. behaviors), energy (i.e. forces or fields), and mysteries (i.e. additional questions). This is the way physicists “discover” the elements of nature. It is the main focus of modern physics. Learning to understand the basic elements of nature starts with identifying them and their unique properties.


The accelerators themselves can be complex machines. Particles are sped up by applying a rapidly varying electric field that switches directions as the particle passes (about 400 million times a second!). To get up to speed requires multiple “pulses” of this electric energy. To do this in a straight line is like helping your child learn how to ride a bike. You can only run with him a little bit before he’s going faster than you are. Consequently, multiple “pulse stations” need to be placed along the linear accelerator to gain momentum. The problem is that you would run out of space before ever getting up to the speeds needed.


While the early versions were simple straight-line or linear accelerators, eventually circular accelerators were developed because of the need for higher speeds and economy of size. Think of it like spinning the childrens’ merry go round again and again getting faster each time. However, there is a problem. Beams (or streams) of particles travel in straight lines, they don’t turn corners.


Circular accelerators use the power of magnets to “bend” the particle streams around a ring. The 1600 magnets installed, most weighing over 27 tons, are super-cooled by 120 tons of liquid helium. These cooled monsters create the magnetic fields that bend the beams. The fields change direction of particles beams the same way mirrors change the direction of light. (Think of a series of mirrors that can bend or distort what you see in a mirror—like the mirrors in a fun house!) Additionally, since the beams travel in a circle, the pulse stations can be “re-visited” and speeds constantly increased with every passing pulse. This is how particle accelerators get these small particles up to near the speed of light. Various “stages” increase the speeds proportionately until they are at optimal collision speed.


The current size of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland consists of beam pipes that are 17 miles(!) in circumference. The pipes themselves are a mere 1 inch in diameter, vacuum sealed, enclosed within magnet tubes, and buried over 500 feet underground.


So what does this have to do with truth? Why do I care about particle accelerators? It’s really quite appropriate if you think about it. The particle accelerator is searching for something and uses the appropriate tools at its disposal: elementary particles and a means for exploring them. In this case, breaking them down into smaller, more understandable parts. The same thing happens when we try to search for truth.  There are many competing “particles” out there, but that doesn’t really tell us anything. We must examine them carefully. We must challenge each presumption each theory each dogma. It’s like the old saying: “To make mayonnaise you have to break some eggs.”  The mayonnaise of truth requires enough collisions of ideas to assist us in sorting out the good from the bad, the better from the best, and the ultimate satisfying result from the vast sea of data.


TruthAccelerator.com is here to engage in this process. Like particle physicists, we’ll explore possibilities, challenge assumptions, and hopefully even discover new elements of understanding that will aid in the pursuit of the elusive quarry we call truth.




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